Looking for some great gift ideas for your favorite knitter? Online retailers are a great place to look – most of us cannot find nearly the selection locally that we can online. Today, I am starting a three-part series on my favorite online sources. Starting with the obvious, of course – Yarn. But you’re not… Continue reading merry knitmas! – part 1
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My daughter just returned home from a five week summer intensive ballet program in New York City. She had a blast and I was lucky to spend a little time in NYC with her on a few of the weekends! There was a whirlwind taxi ride: And sightseeing: And a walk through Cental Park: And… Continue reading New York State of Mind
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My daughter just returned home from a five week summer intensive ballet program in New York City. She had a blast and I was lucky to spend a little time in NYC with her on a few of the weekends! There was a whirlwind taxi ride: And sightseeing: And a walk through Cental Park: And… Continue reading New York State of Mind
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