Sunday Morning Knitting
This morning, I’ve been enjoying my coffee and a little Ravelry time. (Is there anything better on a Sunday morning!?!) I’m looking for some fun (but quick) Halloween inspired patterns. Here’s a sampling of what I’ve found:
First, what can be cuter than a knitted pumpkin…or two or three… Fairytale Pumpkins by Jessica P. are adorable.

And these oh too cute hats are perfect if you’re not planning to be in a costume from head to toe! Check out deer with little antlers hat by tiny owl knits, Brain Hat by Alana Noritake and Ogre My Ogre by Gunilla Leavitt.

A few patterns that can definitely be worn post Halloween are Arachnid II by Karen Fournier and Ski Skulls by Scarlet Taylor.

And, lastly, how about some fat-free, calorie-free treats? Happy Candy Corns by Kim DeStratis fits the bill perfectly!

Are you planning any trick or treat knitting? Share here!