So…I told you mine….Yarn-Give-Away

Yep, you know all about mine, told you all about it in my last blogpost…Time to Knit.  So, share with me… when do you knit or crochet? Tell me all about your favorite crafting time, where you are etc.   And…I’m having another Yarn-Give-A-Way. Two Skeins of  Shibui Sock Yarn in this oh-so-spring-y pink.. Each skein is approximately 190 yards. And, it’s machine washable! Can’t beat that when you want to get back to knitting or crocheting!  Here’s a pic!

How do you enter? Just a leave a comment below under this blogpost and tell me when you spend time knitting or crocheting. Leave as many different comments as you like. I will use a random number generator to decide the winner. All entries must be submitted by April 11th at 11:59 pm.  (Atlanta, GA timezone).  I’ll announce the winner on April 12th!