Rose Lace Stole – Subway Knits KAL – Progress Update

I’m knitting along with Maria aka @venusfueri on Twitter and several others on the Rose Lace Stole by Susanna IC. Maria has a Podcast called Subway Knits (one of my favorites…you can find it on itunes and is the moderator of the Subway Knits Podcast Group…which is where I found the knit-along.

I love this yarn! It is Malabrigo Lace Weight in a medium to dark blue called Paris Nights. And I love the rectangular shape of this wrap. As a general rule, I would prefer to wear a rectangular shape wrap over a traiangular shaped one. I can’t wait to see the flower pattern that I’m almost ready to start. So far, the pattern is relatively simple…Six more rows until I get to the lace chart…I’ve been saying that for almost a week now but, unfortunately, the last week of school and ballet recitals have gotten in the way of good, quality, concentrate on knitting lace time. But get back to it I will. Oh, and there is this small problem:

Somehow in the first repeat, I knit 6 stitiches instead of 5 and, generally, I don’t notice it until the end of the row. And then I have to tink! (I’d never be able to pick up the stitches if I frogged a row!) This has probably happened now about half a dozen times on the first half! That’s a lot of tinking! I find I have to really concentrate on the knit row and then I usually repeat the pattern back to myself on the purl row just to make sure I still have the pattern correct.

So, are you a tinker or a frogger? How do you make sure you stay on track with projects like this? Share with me, please!