I knitted a Sweater for my husband

A long time ago, when we were still dating, I knitted a sweater for my husband then boyfriend. I must say, I’m very touched that he has kept it all of these years as it never really fit him very well…the neckband was too tight, and it’s too long. I think I was running out of yarn without the possibility of getting more by the time I got to the neckband. It’s made out of really heavy worsted weight yarn… almost too heavy for even the coldest days in Maryland…we now live in Georgia where the winters are certainly too warm for my husband to wear a really heavy sweater. (He has never worn sweaters very much).

I loved the pattern that I used, from a book on Irish Fisherman sweaters that I probably purchased at the same time that I bought the yarn. With my newly re-found love of knitting, I starting to search around the house for that book. Thought I’d take a look through it to see if there was anything that I’d like to put on my project list. Problem is, I haven’t been able to find that book anywhere. And I’ve looked all over the house. Twice. I could remember exactly what the cover looks like. But not the title. And not the author. I’ve found most of my other knitting books from that era. But not that particular one. I was really, really bummed out. Until the other night, when on a whim I searched for Irish sweater knitting books on Amazon. I didn’t really think they would have it because it’s so old. I bought it almost 20 years ago. Who knew how long the book had been out at that point. But guess what? Amazon has it. New. In stock. Fishermen’s Sweaters from the British Isles by Gladys Thompson arrived in the mail today! Can’t wait to get some time (carpool this afternoon maybe??) to take a look through it. Maybe I will get some inspiration for a sports weight sweater…