Find Some Free Patterns on Friday
Today, I thought I’d walk you through one of my favorite ways to browse patterns on Ravelry.
After you sign onto Ravelry, click on the patterns button at the top of the page. It will lead you to the main pattern page. . Doing this always takes me to knitting patterns only since that is what I selected as a preference at the top left hand side of the page. There are all kinds of ways to browse patterns here so when you have some (read A LOT! ) of time, click on some of the different options there in order to browse a multitude patterns.
I like to look at the Hot Right Now Patterns (mid left side of the page). Clicking here will take you to a listing of currently popular patterns. Once here, click on FREE under the Availability option. Now you can browse all the currently popular & free patterns on Ravelry.
Here’s one of my favorites:
Hermione’s Everyday Socks by Erica Lueder on Ravelry
Happy Browsing!