I’m having a lot of fun learning how to dye yarn. From tutorials on the Internet and Ravelry groups, I’ve really accumulated a lot of information. My absolute favorite source right now is The Dyer’s Notebook Podcast hosted by Laura Jinks Jimenez. You can find the podcast here and on iTunes and YouTube. While I haven’t quite become brave enough to try dyeing with acid dyes, I have tried some of the techniques that I’ve seen with food coloring. Here’s a little pictorial of how my dye-day went.
I have two inexpensive pots that I use. (I think they’re a bit too tall but perfect for hobby dyeing).
Here is the skein of yarn that I am trying resistance dip-Dyeing techniques on:
And here it is after four layers of color. (I really loved how it looked at this point).
And after the black layer (I was very nervous now. Was it black all the way through?)
After I untwisted the yarn…yay!
Rinsed, dryed and ready to be reskeined. The yarn on the right was a dip-dye experiment.
Reskeined and ready to be wound into a cake. Or maybe I’ll just keep them out and look at them for a while!