Color Inspiration

As you can see from this snapshot, my daughter loves the beach! (Don’t we all wish we could leap three feet off the ground like that when we’re happy!!!!) What better place to draw color inspiration for Avens, my soon to be published sweater pattern.
Avens is a lopapeysa-inspired sweater which was designed based on suggestions from my daughter: the fit, the length, the color selection and the accompanying colorwork all incorporate her ideas. We both love the color scheme of grays, blues and whites with a touch of green thrown in for contrast. I’m looking forward to the pattern release which is set for the end of October!!!
When I’m knitting a lopapeysa-inspired sweater, I can think of no better yarn to use than Léttlopi yarn. Álafoss very generously supplied the yarn to me to knit the Avens sweater. I love this yarn: it is soft and provides wonderful stitch definition. I used Léttlopi before when I knit a sweater for my niece last year (pattern soon to be released too!). You can find Álafoss here. The yarn ships and is delivered very quickly.
Yarn Notes: The primary color of the sweater is Ash Heather (0056) with contrasting colors of White (0051), Lapis Blue Heather(1404), Glacier Blue Heather(1403), and Spring Green Heather(1406). I’m looking forward to sharing a few more sneak peeks of Avens over the next few weeks with the pattern release set for late October.
Where do you draw color inspiration from? Share here!